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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Are Inteleto containers stateless?

Yes, containers in Inteleto are stateless, which means any data written to the container's filesystem is temporary and will be lost when the container stops, restarts, or is relocated.

How should I persist data while using serverless containers?

For data persistence in serverless containers, you will most likely use database services (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB), Object Storage (S3), Caching services and external APIs.

For now, Inteleto only offers serverless containers, but we're already developing managed database services.

Should I use serverless containers for my project?

In general, containers are recommended for any project of any size. It allows static builds of your source code while being extremely versatile, since you can host it yourself, or use it in any hosting platform. Serverless containers, specifically, refer to the option of letting the provider (Inteleto) take care of the whole building, deployment, scaling, security and infrastructure part, and let you focus on developing the features, so it's a big win for any type of project.

To list the benefits in bullet points:

  • Cost Efficiency. You pay for the actual usage
  • Simplified Operations. You just have to push the code.
  • Automatic scaling and load balancing
  • High availability and zero-downtime deployments
  • Free of infrastructure management
  • Allows the usage familiar Docker containers and workflows
  • Focus on application code rather than infrastructure
  • Quick deployments and rollbacks

The only type of application that serverless containers are not the default recommendation are workloads that need specialized hardware (such as GPU). For most modern web applications, APIs, and microservices, serverless containers provide an optimal balance of developer productivity, operational simplicity, and cost effectiveness.

How can I deploy my container?

Deploying your container on Inteleto is straightforward. You can deploy via GitHub by connecting your repository, selecting the branch to deploy, configuring your deployment settings, and clicking deploy. For detailed instructions, check our Deploy Your First Container guide.

Can I deploy my existing application in Inteleto?

If your application can run in a Docker container (most likely it can), it can be deployed on Inteleto. The process is straightforward:

  1. Ensure your application has a working Dockerfile
  2. Test the Dockerfile locally to confirm it builds and runs correctly
  3. Connect your repository to Inteleto
  4. Configure your deployment settings
  5. Deploy!

For detailed steps, check out our Deploy Your First Container guide. If you're migrating from another platform, you can typically use the same Dockerfile without modifications.

Can I migrate existing non containerized applications to containers?

Yes, you can migrate non-containerized applications to containers. The process involves creating a Dockerfile that defines how to build and run your application in a container environment. This typically includes specifying the base image, installing dependencies, copying your application code, and configuring the runtime environment. While the specific steps vary depending on your technology stack, containerization is a well-documented process with many resources and examples available. Most applications can be containerized without requiring significant code changes.

How do I choose the correct number of CPUs and RAM?

When choosing CPU and RAM allocations, you can start by testing your application locally to get a baseline estimate of resource requirements. However, we recommend starting with the smallest container types on Inteleto (Containers of the Dedicated tier are recommended for production applications) to optimize costs, then monitoring the logs to track actual RAM and CPU usage in production. If you notice slower than average response times, you can increase the resources accordingly. Similarly, if your application experiences memory-related crashes, you can upgrade to a container type with more RAM. This approach allows you to right-size your resources based on real-world usage patterns rather than theoretical estimates.

Can I upgrade containers at any time?

Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your container type at any time through the Inteleto console. When you change the container type, Inteleto will automatically handle the transition with zero downtime. We recommend monitoring your application's performance metrics to choose the most cost-effective container type for your needs.

How does the container scaling work?

When you change the container type or the number of replicas, Inteleto automatically provisions the necessary resources with no downtime or high latencies.

Is there any downtime when changing settings or deploying?

There is no downtime when deploying new versions if you have at least 2 replicas, as new containers are started before old ones are terminated. Similarly, there is no downtime when changing the number of replicas since they are added or removed seamlessly. When changing container types, there will be zero downtime if you have multiple replicas as containers are upgraded one at a time. However, if you have only a single replica, you may experience a brief downtime during the container type transition. For maximum availability, we recommend running at least 2 replicas of your application to ensure continuous service during deployments and configuration changes.

How am I billed for serverless containers?

For up-to-date prices, pease check the Billing documentation, but - in general - you're billed by the running hours of the serverless containers, the container type, the number of replicas, the exceeding network traffic and the exceeding build time.

What types of applications and programming languages can I run?

Inteleto supports any programming language or framework that can run in a Linux container. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Node.js (Express, Next.js, Nuxt.js, etc)
  • Python (Django, Flask, FastAPI, etc)
  • Ruby (Rails, Sinatra)
  • PHP (Laravel, Symfony, WordPress)
  • Java (Spring Boot, Micronaut)
  • Go
  • .NET Core
  • Rust
  • Elixir/Phoenix

As long as your application:

  1. Can run in a Linux environment
  2. Has a working Dockerfile
  3. Exposes an HTTP port

It can be deployed on Inteleto. The platform is language-agnostic and focuses on container orchestration rather than specific programming languages or frameworks.

How do I integrate external services to Inteleto?

External services can be integrated with Inteleto applications by connecting to them directly from your code. For databases, APIs, message queues, and other third-party services, simply use their connection details and credentials via environment variables. For example, you might set DATABASE_URL, API_KEY, or REDIS_HOST as environment variables in your application settings, then use those values in your code to establish connections. This approach keeps sensitive credentials secure while allowing your application to interact with any external service that's accessible over the network. Since Inteleto containers have outbound internet access, they can communicate with both public cloud services and your public infrastructure.

What protocols and ports can I use in containers?

Inteleto containers support HTTP traffic on any port. When configuring your application, you specify which port your HTTP server listens on, and Inteleto automatically routes external traffic to that port. While containers can use any port internally for HTTP, all external traffic is automatically encrypted and served over HTTPS. Other protocols like TCP, UDP, or WebSockets are not supported - the platform is designed specifically for HTTP-based web applications and APIs.

Where should I store or build my Docker images?

You don't need to worry about storing or building Docker images with Inteleto. The platform automatically handles the entire process for you. When you push code to your repository, Inteleto builds the Docker image using your Dockerfile and stores it securely in its internal container registry. This registry is optimized for fast deployments and high availability. All you need is a working Dockerfile in your repository that successfully builds your application - Inteleto takes care of everything else, from building to storing to deploying the container images.

How can I redeploy my app after I make changes?

When you push commits to your production branch (usually main or master), Inteleto automatically detects the changes and starts a new deployment. The platform will pull your latest code, build a new Docker image, and deploy the updated containers. If you have at least two replicas configured, deployments will happen with zero downtime since Inteleto updates containers one at a time while keeping the others running to handle traffic. You can monitor the deployment progress in real-time through the Deployments tab in your application dashboard.